Developer Services

Programming on php and c#
Developing new and maintenance existing software, business process automation
Analytical approach
Responsible for the execution
Solving complex problems
By entrusting your tasks to a specialist, you do not have to worry that everything will be done correctly and on time.
More than 10 years of experience in the IT field
Good reputation
Work experience in the bank
Without intermediaries
Flexible pricing and discount system
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My products - freeware


Passwords organizer. No needs keep in mind all passwords of yours accounts, remember only one Master Pass of this app.

Tap on account row in grid and buttons to copy clipboard login and password just appear on filter panel. All data store encrypted in yor disk. You may sort out your accounts by groups and categories.

In addition two predefined fields (login and password) you may add custom fields, attach to that images, turn on encryption. Account may contain any unique fields.

Watch when your password was last updated just sort them in grid by date. Your may migrate you data to use on another PC. It is possible to change MasterPass, app re-crypt data.

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Pop services

  • phppop-srv-icon
  • c#pop-srv-icon
  • SQLpop-srv-icon
  • javascriptpop-srv-icon
  • VCSpop-srv-icon
  • crmpop-srv-icon
  • Server setupspop-srv-icon
  • Automationpop-srv-icon
Right Joint
Address: Russia, Ivanovo, 8-Match st., b. 32, «Silver city» mall, public hall
Schedule: mon. - fri. 9.00 am - 6.00pm +4 UTC, sat., sun. - days off
E-Mail: rightjoint@yandex.ru

by Right Joint