jointPass - product


Passwords organizer. No needs keep in mind all passwords of yours accounts, remember only one Master Pass of this app.

Download jointPass

jointPass.zip archive contains app jointPass.exe. Unpack jointPass.zip, make directory where from you going to run app, and put there jointPass.exe from archive.

To check control summ you might use CertUtil from terminal. Hash MD5 must be equal aa653c47a6b6925441fb7faf0689eb3a

CertUtil -hashfile jointPass.exe MD5
Хэш MD5 : jointPass.exe: aa653c47a6b6925441fb7faf0689eb3a
Check Hash MD5

Repository also avaliable for download, who wanna see code.

git clone https://github.com/rightJoint/jointpass
git checkout main
clone repository jointpass


App check settings file jPass.ini every run in directory where from it runs, and the first run creates this file. You may not delete jPass.ini, though if you drop .ini-file, you can retrive it and passwords from jPass_data if you remember Master Pass.

Enter Master Pass and repeat, choose interface language and folder to store data, by default offer users directory C:\Users\CurrentUser\Documents\jPass_data

First auth win

Next time auth will go in general mode.

One day you might want change Master Pass, click checkbox close to left bottom corner of auth win to active change pass mode.

Change password win. App return quantities of accounts and fields that was re-crypted

After your get in, main window of app will be shown, from there by buttons on special panel available another windows.

Main window of app, left side for filters, right side for accounts.

On left side groups and categories use to filter accounts on right side.

Tap on account row and buttons to copy clipboard login and password just appear on filter panel.

You may filter accounts in date grid by last update password date.

Double click on account row invoke account fields window, because you may store and crypt custom fields.

Account fields window

At the up of main windows on apart panel disposed buttons to open groups, categories, fields lis and accounts windows.
For displaying mostly modifies in these windows on main window attend Refresh buttons on filter panels. Some kind of changes will be applying after restart app.

Groups and categories intend to classify and filter accounts, the only different between them is categories on main window in datagrid control, and groups in drop down control.

Groups window

You may attach image to groups, categories and fields in list.
App doesn't handle loaded images, better load icon, not photos in high definition.

Categories window

Sometime you might want to attach to account, more then login and password, some another info, for example access token git hub or ip-address. For this purpose create custom fields, turn on/of encryption.

Fields(list) window

Create new account, double click invoke open account's fields window. Don't forget press Update button to reload accounts grid in main window.

Accounts window

Principles of work

Each time when user sign in, app read file jPass.ini from directory where it runs, takes from there salt (general GUID), that add to entered password, then calc summ's hash, and compare with hash in jPass.ini. At the end makes new salt and calc new hash, rewrites jPass.ini

Entered in auth window Master Pass stored in system RAM while jointPass.exe is running, it used for encryption and decryption fields of accounts. Decrypted password of account stored in RAM in controls while you access fields.

Example of encryption word silver on Master Pass 123

Principles of encryption accounts data based on this one snippet. It used once to be easy modified for new options.

I'm not so familiar with cryptography algorithms or gather metadata, I really don't know any ways how to break this app, but it doesn't mean it is not possible.

Folder to store users data sets in jPass.ini, by default it is C:\Users\CurrentUser\Documents\jPass_data contains files for groups, categories, fields list and accounts. Folder accounts use for store accounts fields.

Folder contains users data

To apply changes, file accounts.pass, each time fully rewritten. For test was used 25 accounts, guess it is possible to use more, however it's not database to store thousands passwords.


If you have any other questions about jointPass, please text me on my eMail rightjoint@yandex.ru