Simple php admin for mysql

Table of content

About product

Controller handle required models and views to possibility run admin at another url

Тематические ветки

Simple php admin provide web-interface to set up connection to mysql-server and database, work with tables and records. Implemented facility to control migrations.

Get branch:link to github
Learn more:detail
dependencies:branch record

Set up

Getting filed

All dependencies, lib, configs, media - filed fully composed in branch, no needs to copy by hands.

Make app run folder, next get files using git, clone repository and checkout branch

git clone https://github.com/rightJoint/jointsite
git checkout admin
clone repository and checkout branch (admin)

To use repository into current empty dir /current_dir, exec next commands:

git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/rightJoint/jointsite
git checkout -b admin
git pull origin admin
create empty repository and add remote jountsite. Create new local branch to track remote with the same name admin


By default admin config to run into another app at address /mirror. To use admin as site, set up config the same below.

RewriteBase /
setup app entry point / в .htacceess

As well to run as site we need to set up run dir in в index.php

new jointSite();
run app as site (index.php)

Admin menu at site set up on test address, to set up menu on address /admin, write out SiteView.php in code function print_admin_menu

Set up admin menu address /admin

Another admin directory settings are /__config/admin_conf.php.

By default admin set up at address /test/phpmysqladmin.

Admin users data store in dir /__config/adminUsers.txt, Use login annd password to get in admin,


To be able use migrations in admin, first migration /migrations/2024-05-20-migrations_tables.sql to create table, needs to make by hand. Its able at address /admin/tables or /admin/sql

Implemented functionality to edit and add queries to sql files, monitoring migrations by logs.

CREATE DATABASE test_db CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
можно выполнить запрос для создания базы данных test_db в админке /admin/sql